Philosophy of Film – Nonexplicit Moral Messages

Today (The 13th of July 2017) I graduated from the University of York with a 2:1 Bachelors degree in Philosophy. In celebration of that I have decided, since Twitter seemed receptive of it, to upload one of the essays I handed in during my time there. What follows is a 4000ish word essay that contrasts the ways Jud Süß (Some pretty vile Nazi propaganda commissioned by Goebbels during the peak of the Nazi film industry) and Fail Safe (A Very Concerned thriller made in Cold War Era US) indulge in certain kinds of rhetoric. Interesting! I hope. At any rate I wouldn’t recommend using this academically, though the sources may be of some interest to you, and I do not mind adding an addendum if I, in my BA philosophy ways have missed something of importance. I have loved my degree, but I don’t necessarily expect it to have not overlooked any potential crap when it comes to weighty subjects like Nazis. Fuck Nazis. Enjoy. 

PS: Sorry the formatting is iffy. Juggling from openoffice to WordPress is a pain =S

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